Umberto Dei was a successful racer and a bicycle mechanic apprentice at the same time. In the late 1890s he started to build his own bikes. First just for friends and soon for other riders.
Umberto Dei’s desire was to build the best bikes possible, always refining his techniques. His bikes became quite expensive but also considerably smoother to ride than his competitor’s. He and his employees acquired an expertise and fame which was second to none. For the 1936 Olympic Games, Umberto Dei delivered bicycles to the teams of 9 foreign countries.
Marca: Umberto Dei
Modello: Marca Oro A
Anno: 1939
Telaio: 2733Caratteristiche modello
– Modello in dotazione alle forze dell’ordine
– telaio a doppio diapason
– oliatori su mozzi e movimento centrale
– sistema frenante a trasmissioni rigide esterne
– frenata posteriore bassa
– forcella Dei a congiunzione invisibile a rinforzi interni
– parafango anteriore Dei a sospensione elastica
– parafanghi con alette
– verniciatura nera e parti bianche nichelate
– ruote 28”
– Gruppo luce Bosch Rotodyn (faro J78 e dinamo WH) anni ’30
– bronzino Dei
– copertoni Michelin World Tour
– sella Brooks B90 size 3 anni ’30
– manopole e manopolini in cornoCaratteristiche restauro
Catalogo Umberto Dei & Ci 1939