It all started when I purchased my Umberto Dei Superleggera from 1975 that I came across this brand and start to love it. The story of this Italian brand began a long time ago when Umberto Dei started manufacturing his first cycles in 1896, the same year in which the Lumiere brothers invented cinematography and Guglielmo Marconi created the wireless telephone. His atelier in Via Pasquali Paoli no. 4 in Milan would release some of the finest bicycles of the Milanese tradition until the late 1950s, before Atala acquireq the brand.
Mr. Dei was well-known worldwide for the lightness of his road and track bicycles, as well as of city bikes which were actually the brand’s flagship.
Marca: Umberto Dei
Modello: Imperiale
Anno: 1950
Telaio: 4128Caratteristiche modello
– telaio a doppio diapason
– sistema frenante a trasmissioni rigide esterne
– freni integrali Dei accoppiati alla leva destra
– forcella Dei a congiunzione invisibile a rinforzi interni
– parafango anteriore Dei a sospensione elastica
– parafanghi con alette
– verniciatura nera
– filetti oro
– parti lucide, dorso parafanghi e dorso carter cromati
– ruote 28”
– sella Umberto Dei
– borsa portaferri Umberto Dei
– bronzino Clou
– gruppo luce Radius B52
– catarifrangente Biemme Rubis 55
– copertoni Michelin World TourCaratteristiche restauro